Solved: bosboot error: 0516-602 lslv: Logical volume name not entered.
Today in this article, we will see one of the common error message and its solution.
I had encountered an error from a system not wanting to run bosboot as VXDMP had locked the disks down.
The adjustment we need to make is to add -l hd5 to bosboot.
I. Error Message
ngeaix001 --> vxdmpadm native list VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-15206 DMP support for LVM bootability is disabled. ngeaix001 --> lsvg -p rootvg rootvg: PV_NAME PV STATE TOTAL PPs FREE PPs FREE DISTRIBUTION 3pardat1_116971 active 399 54 00..00..00..00..54 ngeaix001 --> vxdmpadm native release ngeaix001 --> lspv | grep -w rootvg hdisk8 00cfc3a78a020daa rootvg active hdisk15 00cfc3a78a020daa rootvg active ngeaix001 --> ngeaix001 --> bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk8 0516-602 lslv: Logical volume name not entered. Usage: lslv [-L] [-l | -m] [-n DescriptorPV] LVname lslv: [-L] [-n DescriptorPV] -p PVname [LVname] Lists the characteristics of a logical volume. 0301-168 bosboot: The current boot logical volume, /dev/, does not exist on /dev/hdisk8.
II. Solution
ngeaix001 --> lslv -l hd5 hd5:N/A PV COPIES IN BAND DISTRIBUTION hdisk8 001:000:000 0% 001:000:000:000:000 ngeaix001 --> bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk8 -l hd5 trustchk: Verification of attributes failed: /usr/sbin/mknod : mode bosboot: Boot image is 59420 512 byte blocks. ngeaix001 --> ipl_varyon -i [S 47972622 36766036 07/22/19-09:53:53:028 ipl_varyon.c 1320] ipl_varyon -i PVNAME BOOT DEVICE PVID VOLUME GROUP ID hdisk8 YES 00cfc3a78a020daa0000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 hdisk15 YES 00cfc3a78a020daa0000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 hdisk4 NO 00cfc3a700025d3d0000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 hdisk5 NO 00cfc3a700025d3d0000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 3pardata1_82745 NO 00cfc3a700025d3d0000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 3pardata1_477 NO 00cfc3a7a3db53ab0000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 3pardata1_476 NO 00cfc3a7a3db51780000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 3pardata1_5015 NO 00cfc3a70009f5e60000000000000000 00cfc3a700004c00 [E 47972622 0:098 ipl_varyon.c 1461] ipl_varyon: exited with rc=0 ngeaix001 -->