How to create functions in python: Get square of a number.
Lets look how to create functions in python. For example:- We will create two functions: 1. To say “Hello World” to the world. 2. To square a number and get...
Lets look how to create functions in python. For example:- We will create two functions: 1. To say “Hello World” to the world. 2. To square a number and get...
Today we will look at a sample program or python script to get maximum number out of a set of numbers say 3. Lets have a look at the program....
In this post, we will look how to use a library in python and call its various functions. For example:- we can import all functions provided by math library using...
In this post, we will look how to take backup of a docker container. We can take backup in two steps: a. First saving the container data into an image....
I. Playing with Docker Images 1. Take backup of an image $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE mariadb 10.1 5a34bfc8f676 2 weeks ago 375MB phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin latest 15ca549393be...
In this post, we will look how to use docker-compose.yml file to deploy multiple containers of an application. Setup LAMP Server ### Create directories and file structure $ touch docker-compose.yml...
In this part, we will look at an interesting example to deploy multiple containers just by docker compose file. We don’t need to do anything just need to write our...
In this post, we will look how to resolve two error messages that we can face while writing docker compose file. Error 1: found character ‘\t’ that cannot start any...
In this post, we will look how to do ssh into a docker machine directly and to use it as a VM machine. Ideally we do ssh into a docker...
1. Introduction Docker Swarm is an Orchestration tool(like kubernetes, or Apache Mesos.) to automate the administration of docker machines which in turn consists of containers & images. Docker Machine:- Sets...