Solved: Unit rpcbind.service has failed.
Suppose you are trying to start the rpcbind service on a system and its getting failed below error. I. Error Message ### Check status of the service [root@ngelinux001 ~]# service...
Suppose you are trying to start the rpcbind service on a system and its getting failed below error. I. Error Message ### Check status of the service [root@ngelinux001 ~]# service...
Today we will see one of the most common VNC issue on Debian machine and its resolution. I. Issue When we try to run vncserver it rejects the session saying,...
Today we will see an interesting article how to get the last field of a string using cut command in linux. Suppose you are searching for files and want to...
Today we will see one of the most common Nagios NRPE error message and its resolution. Lets see the error message and its resolution. I. Error Message [root@ngelinux001 ~]# service...
Sometimes it happens the chronyc daemon does not synchronize the time on RHEL systems. It happens when the system polls the server after a long time. I. Check current time...
In this post, we will see one of the easiest way to install TCL and TK 8.6 package on our Linux system. Lets look at this three step short process....
Nagios Installation on Linux 1. First create User and Group # useradd nagios # groupadd nagcmd # usermod -G nagcmd nagios # usermod -g nagcmd apache [root@ngelinux001 ~]# id...
In this article, we will see how to configure pip server path on our system to get the packages automatically. Lets see this step by step. 1. Direct Command Line...