Copy shell script and execute it using Ansible.
Here we will see one Complete example to copy shell script and execute it, & get its output. I. Make Ansible Conifguration # cat ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = hosts remote_user=saket...
Here we will see one Complete example to copy shell script and execute it, & get its output. I. Make Ansible Conifguration # cat ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = hosts remote_user=saket...
Ansible Cheatsheet Today we will look at various frequently used Ansible commands that i used to refer everytime. We are connecting to remote users via username “john” 1. Get...
In this post, we will see how to run a command with root user in ansible. There are two ways to do this. Lets have a look at both of...
Let us have a look at another ansible playbook which will create various logical volumes under LVM. The playbook is not complete in the sense that roles text is not...
Here i will show you a sample playbook you can use to install a list of packages in linux. This is a sample playbook we use to install various packages...
Today lets have a look at an ansible playbook to copy a shell script to remote server and then run it as root. And finally get its output on our...
Till now we have looked at ansible playbook to get the ping response, server uptime, date and its syntax. In this post, we will see how to copy a file,...
Lets see how to run a playbook on a single selected host or multiple selected hosts. We can either make groups in hosts file or mention the host name using...
Lets see how to verify if our ansible YML playbook syntax is fine and has no errors in it. To do this check we need to add “–syntax-check” option after...
Let us start creating the ansible yaml scripts or playbooks. The first playbook that we create involves checking if the host is alive or not i.e. ping status of all...