Configure NFS v4 only server in RHEL/Centos 8. Is it possible on RHEL 6 and RHEL 7 ?
Today we will see the steps how to create NFS v4 only server in linux. We will see how to create NFS server and then how to make it work...
Today we will see the steps how to create NFS v4 only server in linux. We will see how to create NFS server and then how to make it work...
Today we will see Nagios Installation on Linux Lets see step by step procedure how to do this in Linux. 1. First create User and Group # useradd nagios #...
Today in this post, we will see how to check the BIOS version and other information on a Linux server. Lets have a look how to check this. 1. Specifying...
Today we will see how to edit a samba share in Solaris 10 and how to add/edit users in a samba share on Solaris 10 server. Lets see how to...
Today we will see one of the most common VNC issue on Debian machine and its resolution. I. Issue When we try to run vncserver it rejects the session saying,...
Sometimes it happens the chronyc daemon does not synchronize the time on RHEL systems. It happens when the system polls the server after a long time. I. Check current time...
Here we will see one Complete example to copy shell script and execute it, & get its output. I. Make Ansible Conifguration # cat ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory = hosts remote_user=saket...
Here we will see how to get FSPDUMP from HMC for a hardware failure event. I. Problem IBM instructs you to upload an FSPDUMP from an HMC following a call...
When we upgrade the X server on our Linux machine, the high resolution mode sometimes gets disabled. This happens because the X configuration file gets removed by the new package....