How to place html file in docker webserver and push it to Google Container Registry(GCR) in GCP ?
In this article, we will see how to place html file in docker webserver.
And then push it to Google Container Registry(GCR) in GCP.
Lets have a look step by step to understand the scenario.
1. Run the webserver in daemon mode in background.
saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker run -p 8080:80 -d nginx:latest 8e3b6d0e58812152876e7766c877d5498e492af672855fa371966016fa7316f8
2. Create a new html file.
saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ echo "<h2>Welcome to NGE Linux KB Articles</h2>" > ./index.html
3. Check out the current docker processes.
saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8e3b6d0e5881 nginx:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 17 minutes ago Up 17 minutes>80/tcp ecstatic_wu
4. Now copy the file to required instance.
saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker cp ./index.html 8e3b6d0e5881:/usr/share/nginx/html/
5. Now we can run and see our new page in place.
6. Build new image with latest changes in place.
saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker commit 8e3b6d0e5881 nge1:newimage1 sha256:07c0be2127a2107d5b8fa19aeb73ce387098f28b09ea9fdb31fe5765533264da saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8e3b6d0e5881 nginx:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 24 minutes ago Up 24 minutes>80/tcp ecstatic_wu saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE nge1 newimage1 07c0be2127a2 25 seconds ago 141MB nginx latest 605c77e624dd 12 days ago 141MB
7. Lets push the container in GCR.
GCR is Google Container Registry storage provided by google.
saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker tag nge:nginx1 saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker push Using default tag: latest The push refers to repository [] tag does not exist: saketalwar2@cloudshell:~/docker1$ docker push The push refers to repository [] a382c5245d56: Retrying in 17 seconds d874fd2bc83b: Retrying in 19 seconds 32ce5f6a5106: Retrying in 19 seconds f1db227348d0: Retrying in 18 seconds b8d6e692a25e: Retrying in 18 seconds e379e8aedd4d: Waiting 2edcec3590a4: Waiting