Solved: VCS CRITICAL V-16-1-10037 VxFEN driver not configured. Retrying…
Lets see one of the common VCS VxFen error message and solution.
I. Error Message
2022/01/18 17:16:36 VCS CRITICAL V-16-1-10037 VxFEN driver not configured. Retrying...
II. Solution
This error can be caused by many things and this is one of the most common concern which caused this.
If vxfen doesn’t have access to the vxfen disk group configured on the system, /etc/vxfendg goes empty.
ngeaix001 --> echo "vxfencoorddg" > /etc/vxfendg ngeaix001 --> cat /etc/vxfendg vxfencoorddg ngeaix001 --> vxfenconfig -c Log Buffer: 0x6634a40 ngeaix001 --> gabconfig -a GAB Port Memberships =============================================================== Port a gen 7b8e57 membership 012345 Port b gen 7c56cd membership 012345 Port d gen 7c5675 membership 012345 Port f gen 7c56df membership 012345 Port h gen 7c56d9 membership 012345 ngeaix001 -->