Use of set and unset command in linux bash shell.
In this article, we will see the usage of set and unset command in Linux specific to bash shell.
I. Set Command
Calling set without any argument displays names and values of all shell variables which are sorted by name.
Lets have a look at the command.
[root@nglinux ~]# set ARCH=i686 BASH=/bin/bash BASHOPTS=checkwinsize:cmdhist:expand_aliases:extquote:force_fignore:hostcomplete:interactive_comments:login_shell:progcomp:promptvars:sourcepath BASH_ALIASES=() BASH_ARGC=() BASH_ARGV=() BASH_CMDS=() BASH_LINENO=() BASH_SOURCE=() BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="4" [1]="1" [2]="2" [3]="2" [4]="release" [5]="i386-redhat-linux-gnu") BASH_VERSION='4.1.2(2)-release' COLORS=/etc/DIR_COLORS.256color COLUMNS=80 DIRSTACK=() EUID=0 GROUPS=() G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1 HISTCONTROL=ignoredups HISTFILE=/root/.bash_history HISTFILESIZE=1000 HISTSIZE=1000 HOME=/root HOSTNAME=nglinux HOSTTYPE=i386 ID=0 IFS=' ' LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 LESSOPEN='||/usr/bin/ %s' LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/lib/dri LINES=31 LOGNAME=root LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=38;5;27:ln=38;5;51:mh=44;38;5;15:pi=40;38;5;11:so=38;5;13:do=38;5;5:bd=48;5;232;38;5;11:cd=48;5;232;38;5;3:or=48;5;232;38;5;9:mi=05;48;5;232;38;5;15:su=48;5;196;38;5;15:sg=48;5;11;38;5;16:ca=48;5;196;38;5;226:tw=48;5;10;38;5;16:ow=48;5;10;38;5;21:st=48;5;21;38;5;15:ex=38;5;34:*.tar=38;5;9:*.tgz=38;5;9:*.arj=38;5;9:*.taz=38;5;9:*.lzh=38;5;9:*.lzma=38;5;9:*.tlz=38;5;9:*.txz=38;5;9:*.zip=38;5;9:*.z=38;5;9:*.Z=38;5;9:*.dz=38;5;9:*.gz=38;5;9:*.lz=38;5;9:*.xz=38;5;9:*.bz2=38;5;9:*.tbz=38;5;9:*.tbz2=38;5;9:*.bz=38;5;9:*.tz=38;5;9:*.deb=38;5;9:*.rpm=38;5;9:*.jar=38;5;9:*.rar=38;5;9:*.ace=38;5;9:*.zoo=38;5;9:*.cpio=38;5;9:*.7z=38;5;9:*.rz=38;5;9:*.jpg=38;5;13:*.jpeg=38;5;13:*.gif=38;5;13:*.bmp=38;5;13:*.pbm=38;5;13:*.pgm=38;5;13:*.ppm=38;5;13:*.tga=38;5;13:*.xbm=38;5;13:*.xpm=38;5;13:*.tif=38;5;13:*.tiff=38;5;13:*.png=38;5;13:*.svg=38;5;13:*.svgz=38;5;13:*.mng=38;5;13:*.pcx=38;5;13:*.mov=38;5;13:*.mpg=38;5;13:*.mpeg=38;5;13:*.m2v=38;5;13:*.mkv=38;5;13:*.ogm=38;5;13:*.mp4=38;5;13:*.m4v=38;5;13:*.mp4v=38;5;13:*.vob=38;5;13:*.qt=38;5;13:*.nuv=38;5;13:*.wmv=38;5;13:*.asf=38;5;13:*.rm=38;5;13:*.rmvb=38;5;13:*.flc=38;5;13:*.avi=38;5;13:*.fli=38;5;13:*.flv=38;5;13:*.gl=38;5;13:*.dl=38;5;13:*.xcf=38;5;13:*.xwd=38;5;13:*.yuv=38;5;13:*.cgm=38;5;13:*.emf=38;5;13:*.axv=38;5;13:*.anx=38;5;13:*.ogv=38;5;13:*.ogx=38;5;13:*.aac=38;5;45:*.au=38;5;45:*.flac=38;5;45:*.mid=38;5;45:*.midi=38;5;45:*.mka=38;5;45:*.mp3=38;5;45:*.mpc=38;5;45:*.ogg=38;5;45:*.ra=38;5;45:*.wav=38;5;45:*.axa=38;5;45:*.oga=38;5;45:*.spx=38;5;45:*.xspf=38;5;45:' MACHTYPE=i386-redhat-linux-gnu MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root MAILCHECK=60 OPTERR=1 OPTIND=1 OSTYPE=linux-gnu PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin PIPESTATUS=([0]="0") PPID=3336 PROMPT_COMMAND='printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}"' PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ ' PS2='> ' PS4='+ ' PWD=/root SELINUX_LEVEL_REQUESTED= SELINUX_ROLE_REQUESTED= SELINUX_USE_CURRENT_RANGE= SHELL=/bin/bash SHELLOPTS=braceexpand:emacs:hashall:histexpand:history:interactive-comments:monitor SHLVL=1 SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass SSH_CLIENT=' 49953 22' SSH_CONNECTION=' 49953 22' SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0 TERM=xterm-256color UID=0 USER=root _=+x colors=/root/.dircolors str='welcome:to:new:generation enterprise linux' word=linux __udisks () { local IFS=' '; local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"; if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--show-info" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--inhibit-polling" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--mount" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--unmount" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--detach" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--ata-smart-refresh" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--ata-smart-simulate" ]; then _filedir || return 0; else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--set-spindown" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else if [ "${COMP_WORDS[$(($COMP_CWORD - 1))]}" = "--poll-for-media" ]; then COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(udisks --enumerate-device-files)" -- $cur)); else COMPREPLY=($(IFS=: compgen -W "--dump:--inhibit-polling:--inhibit-all-polling:--enumerate:--enumerate-device-files:--monitor:--monitor-detail:--show-info:--help:--mount:--mount-fstype:--mount-options:--unmount:--unmount-options:--detach:--detach-options:--ata-smart-refresh:--ata-smart-wakeup:--ata-smart-simulate:--set-spindown:--set-spindown-all:--spindown-timeout:--poll-for-media" -- $cur)); fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; fi; fi } crontab () { if [ $1 == "-r" -o $1 == "-sr" -o $1 == "-rs" ]; then echo "-r option removes the crontab file."; echo "To remove the file use the option '-ir' to interactively remove crontab file"; else command crontab $1; fi } [root@nglinux ~]#
II. Set Command Syntax
Set command has many options, lets have a look at these options.
set [--aefhkntuvx[argument]]... In bourne shell, the set built-in command options are as follows: -- An option of a double-dash ("--") signifies the end of an option list. This option is primarily useful when values listed after the options will start with a dash themselves. -a Mark variables that are modified or created for "export"; environment variables set in this way will be passed on to the environments of any subsequent commands. -e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero exit status. -f Disable file name generation (globbing). -h Locate and remember function commands as functions are defined (function commands are normally located when the function is executed). -k All keyword arguments are placed in the environment for a command. -n Read commands, however do not execute them. -t Exit after executing one command. -u Considers unset variables as an error when substituting. -v Verbose Mode. Prints input lines as they are read. -x Print mode. Prints commands and their arguments executed. Using + rather than - causes these flags to be turned off. All of the set options except ±A, -s, –, and –– are shell flags. Shell flags can also be set on the sh command line at invocation.
III. Set Command Example.
### Turn on command debugging. ### Enable debugging mode [root@nglinux ~]# set -x ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root nglinux '~' ### Even when we press return below line automatically printed [root@nglinux ~]# ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root nglinux '~' ### See the debugging of "echo hello" command. [root@nglinux ~]# echo hello + echo hello hello ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root nglinux '~' ### Similarly how ls command prints the text. [root@nglinux ~]# ls + ls --color=auto Desktop Public c_programs deleteperm-1.0 nohup.out Documents Templates core.2579 deleteperm_v1.0.tar.gz rules Downloads Videos core.2841 ifcfg-eth0 testdir Music abc1.c core.2940 install.log.syslog Pictures anaconda-ks.cfg coretest kernel_panic.c ++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root nglinux '~' ### Disable debugging mode. [root@nglinux ~]# set +x + set +x [root@nglinux ~]#
IV. Unset Command
Unset command is used to unset a variable in bourne shell, unlike set command.
It doesn’t provide vice versa options as in set command.
This is separate bash builtin used to unset a variable & function.
It provides two options “-v”(in verbose mode) and “-f”(to unset function).
### Defines A variable [root@nglinux ~]# A=hello [root@nglinux ~]# echo $A hello ### Unsets variable A [root@nglinux ~]# unset A [root@nglinux ~]# echo $A [root@nglinux ~]#