Search through a word till end of line with sed in Linux Bash Shell.
Today we will see how to search starting from a word, and then select text till end of the line with sed command in linux bash shell. Lets see step...
Today we will see how to search starting from a word, and then select text till end of the line with sed command in linux bash shell. Lets see step...
Today we will see one of the useful tip in Linux. That is when we try to search complete line text from a long file, then it take individual words...
In this article, we will see how to search and install a package in SUSE Enterprise Linux Server. 1. Search for the package in repository. ngelinux001 /home/user% zypper search libjpeg...
Today in this article we will look how to search a paragraph like content, or say get some lines before the searched text and few lines afterwards. In linux, we...
In this article, we will see how to find files/directory older than say 15 days and delete those files. The tip is very useful and we use this every alternate...
Today we will look how to search some text in a file and replace specific string on the searched line. For this, we will use sed command i.e. Linux Stream...
Today we will look at the regex to search/grep multiple characters or words from a file or output in linux. First create a file with below contents. [root@nglinux ]# cat...
Today in this post, we will look how to search or grep special characters in a file text. To search special characters in linux, we need to escape them using...