How to correct bosboot error messages in AIX ?

1. First we will assign the bosboot image to the OS to avoid bosboot error messages on the server.
bosboot command is similar to dracut command of linux.

It creates a boot file, or say boot image from our system RAM (Random Access Memory) and existing running kernel image.

ngelinux028 --> bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
bosboot: Boot image is 57372 512 byte blocks.

ngelinux028 --> bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk0 blv=hd5
hdisk15 blv=hd5

ngelinux028 --> getconf BOOT_DEVICE

2. Other useful commands to get the boot disk details.

ngelinux028 --> ipl_varyon -i
[S 22282338 22806668 02/09/21-15:16:44:002 ipl_varyon.c 1313] ipl_varyon -i
[1 22282338 0:006 lvmrecutl.c 105] lvm_rdlvmrec: FAIL: read primary lvmrec failed, errno=16
[1 22282338 0:007 lvmrecutl.c 120] lvm_rdlvmrec: FAIL: read secondary lvmrec failed, errno=16
[1 22282338 0:007 queryutl.c 297] lvm_readpvda: FAIL: lvm_rdlvmrec failed, rc=-127
[1 22282338 0:007 querypv.c 152] lvm_querypv: FAIL: lvm_getpvda failed, rc=-127
[1 22282338 0:240 lvmrecutl.c 105] lvm_rdlvmrec: FAIL: read primary lvmrec failed, errno=16
[1 22282338 0:242 lvmrecutl.c 120] lvm_rdlvmrec: FAIL: read secondary lvmrec failed, errno=16
[1 22282338 0:242 queryutl.c 297] lvm_readpvda: FAIL: lvm_rdlvmrec failed, rc=-127
[1 22282338 0:249 querypv.c 152] lvm_querypv: FAIL: lvm_getpvda failed, rc=-127

PVNAME          BOOT DEVICE     PVID                    VOLUME GROUP ID
hdisk15         YES             00c303a713545b880000000000000000        00c303a700004c00
hdisk0          YES             00c303a7d3b954a30000000000000000        00c303a700004c00
3pardata2_670           NO              00c303a7018db5b40000000000000000        00c303a700004c00
3pardata2_671           NO              00c303a7018db84b0000000000000000        00c303a700004c00
[E 22282338 0:547 ipl_varyon.c 1454] ipl_varyon: exited with rc=0

ngelinux028 --> lslv -m hd5
LP    PP1  PV1               PP2  PV2               PP3  PV3
0001  0001 hdisk15           0001 hdisk0
ngelinux028 -->

Now since we have changed/added the bos boot image the error messages will stop appearing on the AIX system errpt.

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