How to check the IP address on linux machine if no ifconfig command is installed ?
Today we will see an interesting tip to see the IP address of a linux machine when no ifconfig utility is installed on server.
Issue: ifconfig command not available
[user@ngelinux02 /]$ ifconfig -a ifconfig: Command not found.
I. Check in configuration
[user@ngelinux02 /]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* | grep -i IP IPADDR= IPV6INIT=no IPADDR=
II. Using Hostname Command
[user@ngelinux01 saket]$ hostname -I
III. Using nmcli if this is controlled by Network Manager
[root@ngelinux01 network-scripts]# nmcli -p dev ** (process:32036): WARNING **: nm_client_get_devices: error getting devices: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files ========================================== Status of devices ========================================== DEVICE TYPE STATE ------------------------------------------ [root@ngelinux01 network-scripts]# nmcli -p eth0 show Error: Object 'eth0' is unknown, try 'nmcli help'. [root@ngelinux01 network-scripts]#
Since on my system it is not configured with nmcli, hence it has not shown any output.