Examples of List usage in Python.
As we know how to define lists in python from the post: http://ngelinux.com/lists-in-python/
However lists are used frequently in python and we should know how to play with them.
Lets see below program with various different ways to use lists.
List Examples
# 1. Define List friends = ["Kevin", "Karen", "Jim", "OSCAR","TIDE"] # 2. Printing a set of elements print("1st to 3rd element") print(friends[1:4]) print("\n") # Negative index starts from back. # Hence you can refer negative index also to read from last. # 3. Print complete list friends[1]="Mahesh" print("All lists:") print(friends) # 4. Combining two lists facebook_friends=["Moh", "Lui", "Santa", "Charlie"] print(facebook_friends) friends.extend(facebook_friends) print("\nAll friends with added element at index 1 are: ") # 5. Adding a new element at index 1 friends.insert(1,"NEWFRIEND") print(friends) # 6. Removing an element. friends.remove("Kevin") print("\nKevin friend removed:") print(friends) # 7. Check if an element exists in the list print(friends.index("Santa")) ## print(friends.index("Kelly")) ## Throws an error as it doesn't exists. # 8. Pop an element to remove it. # Use sort to sort the list friends.sort() print(friends) # 9. Empty List friends.clear() print("\nAll friends cleared:") print(friends)
/Users/saket/PycharmProjects/1helloworld/venv/bin/python /Users/saket/PycharmProjects/1helloworld/lists.py 1st to 3rd element ['Karen', 'Jim', 'OSCAR'] All lists: ['Kevin', 'Mahesh', 'Jim', 'OSCAR', 'TIDE'] ['Moh', 'Lui', 'Santa', 'Charlie'] All friends with added element at index 1 are: ['Kevin', 'NEWFRIEND', 'Mahesh', 'Jim', 'OSCAR', 'TIDE', 'Moh', 'Lui', 'Santa', 'Charlie'] Kevin friend removed: ['NEWFRIEND', 'Mahesh', 'Jim', 'OSCAR', 'TIDE', 'Moh', 'Lui', 'Santa', 'Charlie'] 7 ['Charlie', 'Jim', 'Lui', 'Mahesh', 'Moh', 'NEWFRIEND', 'OSCAR', 'Santa', 'TIDE'] All friends cleared: [] Process finished with exit code 0