Create a command to auto-login to some server.

Today we will see how to create a command to ssh a particular server to ease our life.

Here i have created a function ngessh to ssh a particular server with root and setup password less authentication for seamless experience.

1. Create function in starup file
I have used .bash_profile file to read this function every time my user log into bash shell.

[root@nglinux ~]#  cat .bash_profile 
function ngessh()
a='ssh root@'
$a; echo;
[root@nglinux ~]# 

Now this command will do ssh to the IP address with root user.

2. Setup Password less authentication by generating key pair and transferring public key to other host.
I preferred to setup password less authentication and hence created by rsa key pair using below command.

[root@nglinux ~]# ssh-keygen

[root@nglinux ~]# ls -altr .ssh/
total 48
-rw-r--r--   1 saket1447583  staff  12463 Jun  2 07:11 known_hosts
-rw-r--r--   1 saket1447583  staff    411 Jun  2 07:20
-rw-------   1 saket1447583  staff   1679 Jun  2 07:20 id_rsa
drwx------   5 saket1447583  staff    170 Jun  2 07:20 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 27 saket1447583  staff    918 Jun  2 07:32 ..
[root@nglinux ~]#

Now we need to share the public key of the other user & host. The user of other server will put this public key into the authorized_keys file and then we can do password less login to his account.

[root@nglinux ~]# cat .ssh/authorized_keys 
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLx8V/VTFpVxd3dW4gGDLDA21qhQ8RnsUHm+PqNnw0ZDAbCypyf3enZWUvvuCsqgYaoYFFld7bXHRtKvdPBX5FHl81qzgQ6pnT8bC5Vh+FGn2G/kDypjvlAH+1KeMGB5+14zDq45tFL8aUroRsc0kuq9fEBvQtzoH7SbKA4jmKSj+lDExnVmJIxQM5f11bFIZu9ZVewDQ3lNPX7A6KP/awmzK+EKdS0tICi0wQo7RpbFiYAXNXVCwk9Gq9AOo19+tA5tpOUOLPEMcLO02gWHzgEkKkWUxvh6rVIdzjOhLGw79FY7lfVhMz6S3I/GSmbDf1tM2cH8ugY1QUzOyYYl6v saket1447583@01HW860271.local
[root@nglinux ~]# 


We can see the output, how we are able to do password less authentication now.

[root@nglinux ~]# ngessh 
Welcome to      | \ | |/ ___| | |   (_)_ __  _   ___  __
                |  \| | |  _  | |   | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /
                | |\  | |_| | | |___| | | | | |_| |>  <
                |_| \_|\____| |_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\

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-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory
Mysql password is root/redhat
PHPMyAdmin can be accessed at http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Apache and FTP Server already setup.
Your IP addr: addr:

NGEL System Console can be accessed at URL http://localhost/system
Run NGELINUX_HARDDISK_INSTALL to create partitions and install this live CD on your system hard disk
Run NGELINUX_INSTALL to copy block by block your ISO file to a USB or Complete Hard disk

[root@nglinux2 ~]# 

Voila !! Similarly you can create your own functions that will work as commands in terminal.

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