Tuples in python
Lets have a look what are tuples in python.
Tuples are just like arrays, however the information stored in tuple can’t be modified.
Lets have a look at below python program.
### Tuples can't be changed. tuple1=(1,2,3) print(tuple1[1]) tuple1[1]="10" ## generates an error as it can't be modified.
We can see below that we encountered an error because we have tried to change the value of a tuple cell.
The print command ran fine.
/Users/saket/PycharmProjects/1helloworld/venv/bin/python /Users/saket/PycharmProjects/1helloworld/tuples.py 2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/saket1447583/PycharmProjects/1helloworld/tuples.py", line 8, in tuple1[1]="10" ## generates an error as it can't be modified. TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment Process finished with exit code 1