Solved: su: failed to execute /bin/ksh: Resource temporarily unavailable ?
Today we will see one of the most common error message and its solution.
I. Error Message
[root@ngelinux orasystem]# su - oracle Last login: Fri Jun 23 01:48:02 PDT 2023 on pts/5 su: failed to execute /bin/ksh: Resource temporarily unavailable
II. Solution
The error occurs when that particular user is not able to fork new process and hence it failed to switch to that user.
# cat /etc/security/limits.conf or, # cat /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf # Default limit for number of user's processes to prevent # accidental fork bombs. # See rhbz #432903 for reasoning. * soft nproc 4096 root soft nproc unlimited oracle soft nproc unlimited #
III. Test
After changing the limits file, lets test this by switching to that user.
[root@ngelinux ~]# su - oracle Last login: Fri Jun 23 01:52:27 PDT 2023 on pts/5 The Oracle base remains unchanged with value /usr/orasystem/app/oracle/ /usr/orasysstem oracle:/usr/orasystem>