NTP Trouble Shooting in Linux/AIX/Solaris/Tru64 OS.

Today we will see general NTP Trouble Shooting for different Unix Operating systems.

Lets have a look at this useful information.


I. Restarting the NTP Daemon

stopsrc -s ntpd ; startsrc -s ntpd
stopsrc -s xntpd ; startsrc -s xntpd
To check if its active at boot time: “grep -i ntp /etc/rc.tcpip”
To make it active at boot time: “chrctcp -S -a xntpd”


service ntpd stop ; service ntpd start


/etc/init.d/xntpd stop ; /etc/init.d/xntpd start (Solaris 9 and below)
svcadm disable svc:/network/ntp:default ; svcadm enable svc:/network/ntp:default (Solaris 10 onwards)


 /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop ; /sbin/init.d/xntpd start


 su – padmin -c “ioscli stopnetsvc xntpd” ; su – padmin -c “ioscli startnetsvc xntpd”



II. Troubleshooting

Use ntpq to troubleshoot (For Detailed investigation)

# ntpq -pn


III. Understanding ntpq output.

First Column shows the 'tally code' which helps to determine the ntp sources being used.

  ** the source you are synchronized to (syspeer)
  *# source selected, distance exceeds maximum value
  *o the PPS(Pulse Per Second) source if your ntpd (ppspeer, only if you have a PPS capable system and refclock)
  *+ candidate, i.e. it is considered a good source
  *- outlyer, i.e. quality is not good enough
  *x falseticker, i.e. this one is considered to distribute bad time
  *blank: source discarded, failed sanity

A healthy setup may include '*' and '+' tally codes. For example:
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*walntp.IND.NGELgr .ntp.            1 u  248 1024  377    1.774    0.364   0.083
+burntp.IND.NGELgr .ntp.            1 u    3 1024  377   23.444    0.379   0.057

An unhealthy situation can be determined by seeing stratum '1', with time sources having varing offsets.  (with 'x' tally code).
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
x172.17.99.101   .ntp.            1 u  948 1024  377    6.791  -999.90   0.172
x10.89.7.101     .ntp.            1 u  870 1024  377   22.931    0.113   0.409


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