How to unset variables in linux bash shell (normal and read only variables) ?
We all know that a variable is defined by simply assigning a value to it.
However bash shell also provides a feature to unset it, in order to free it up from the system memory.
Let us have a look how to do this.
1. Setting or defining a new variable.
ngelinux:~ saket$ b=10 ngelinux:~ saket$ echo $b 10
2. Unsetting variable.
ngelinux:~ saket$ unset b ngelinux:~ saket$ echo $b ngelinux:~ saket$
3. Making a variable read only.
### Define a variable ngelinux:~ saket$ a=NGEL ngelinux:~ saket$ echo $a NGEL ### Make this variable read-only ngelinux:~ saket$ readonly a ### Try to assign a new value to it. ### It throws an error as the variable is read only. ngelinux:~ saket$ a=NGELinux_again -bash: a: readonly variable ngelinux:~ saket$
4. Unsetting a readonly variable
Practically a read only variable can’t be unset and exists the whole lifetime of its parent process.
ngelinux:~ saket$ echo $a NGEL ngelinux:~ saket$ unset a -bash: unset: a: cannot unset: readonly variable

How to unset a read only variable in debugging mode ?
$ unset a -bash: unset: a: cannot unset: readonly variable $ cat << EOF| sudo gdb attach $$ call unbind_variable("a") detach EOF $ echo $a $
We can also run above command in batch mode like below.
# gdb -ex ‘call unbind_variable(“a”)’ –pid=$$ –batch
[…] Still if you want to unset a read-only variable, then check out this article here. […]