How to share a NFS partition temporarily to a specific host in AIX ?

Lets see today how to share a NFS partition temporarily from a AIX NFS server to various clients.

The post would be very useful to you as it took me some time to search this out, and this command is not readily available on Google/WWW.

Suppose you want to mount a partition temporarily and dont want any exportfs file entry.

Lets see the command examples.

1. Share a partition temporarily to everyone.

### Lets export the partition
ngeaix001 --> exportfs -i /reporting

ngeaix001 --> showmount -e
export list for ngeaix001:
/reporting (everyone)

### Lets unshare the location back
ngeaix001 --> unshare /reporting

ngeaix001 --> showmount -e
showmount: no exported file systems for ngeaix001


2. Share the partition to a specific server/hostname.

### Lets export the partition to few specific servers not with everyone
ngeaix001 --> exportfs -i -o access=linuxserver1:ngeaix001 /reporting

ngeaix001 --> showmount -e
export list for ngeaix001:
/reporting linuxserver1,ngeaix099
ngeaix001 -->

Hope you liked the tip, its quite useful.

The syntax on one or other OS, is ideally similar. So in case of Linux/Unix OS the command would be similar kind.

Once your purpose is solved, you can unshare the partition back.

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