How to remove a directory “-p” in Linux ?

In this post, lets see how to remove a file or directory starting with “-“.

This is bit tricky as you can’t remove it directly.

Lets check this out.

1. Create and see this directory below.

$ mkdir ./-p/

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ ls -ltr
total 3
drwxr-xr-x 2 user dba1   6 Dec 12 15:37 -p


2. Try to remove the directory

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ rm -f '-p/'
rm: invalid option -- 'p'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ rm -rf -p/
rm: invalid option -- 'p'.
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$


3. Solution

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ rmdir ./-p/

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ ls -il
total 8
 8389954 drwxr-xr-x 2 user dba1   6 Dec 12 15:37 -p

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ find . -inum 8389954

[user@ngelinux01 tmp]$ find . -inum 8389954 -exec rm -rf {} \;


Here we have checked two solutions, one is straight forward to remove it by starting with current directory “./” and the other one using inode number.

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