How to gzip a file to a seperate location in linux ?

Today in this post, we will look how to gzip a particular file and store it to an alternate location.

Lets see how to gzip at current location and an alternate location.

1. GZIP file at same location.

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# df -h .
Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rootvg-tmplv   36G   30G  5.0G  82% /tmp

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# gzip ews_newgenp_cache.log
[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# 

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# ls ews_newgenp*


2. GZIP at an alternate location in case the space is full.

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# df -h .
Filesystem                Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rootvg-tmplv   36G   33G  1.5G  96% /tmp

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# gzip ews_newgenp_cache.log 
gzip: ews_newgenp_cache.log.gz: No space left on device
You have mail in /var/mail/root
[root@ngelinux01 tmp]#

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# gzip -c ews_newgenp_cache.log > /products/oracle/ews_newgenp_cache.log.gz
[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# 

[root@ngelinux01 tmp]# ls /products/oracle/ews_newgenp_cache.log.gz

If you have observed above, we have used the “-c” flag with gzip option to zip the file at alternate location.

And using “-c” option, we get an ability to get the binary data in output and redirecting it to an alternate file.

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