How to change bash prompt color and look in Linux: PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 Environment Variables.
Prompt Statement or PS defines various variables to change the look or behavior of the Shell prompt.
There are four prompt statements available alongwiith a prompt command variable in Linux bash shell to customize the prompt behavior.
1. Prompt Statements’ Variables
a. PS1
b. PS2
c. PS3
d. PS4
Lets have a look at each of these prompt statements one by one.
a. PS1 – Default Shell Prompt
The default value of PS1 variable for root user is “\s-\v\$”, where \s displays the shell name and \v displays the version number.
However on NGELinux, the default value is modified to be \u@\h \W, where:
\u –> User Name
\h –> hostname
\W –> Present working directory
### PS1 value [root@nglinux ~]# echo $PS1 [\u@\h \W]\$ ### Change the PWD and see the effect. [root@nglinux ~]# cd Desktop/ [root@nglinux Desktop]#
b. PS2 – Continuation interactive prompt
We know that in Linux, a very long command can be broken down into multiple lines by giving \ at the end of each line.
“>” is the default interactive prompt in case of a multi-line command.
### default interactive prompt [root@nglinux Desktop]# a \ > b \ > ^C [root@nglinux Desktop]# ### Modify PS2 value and see the effect. [root@nglinux Desktop]# PS2="next-->" [root@nglinux Desktop]# ls \ next-->a \ next-->^C
c. PS3 – Prompt displayed by “select” command inside shell script
### Lets create a shell script with select statement [root@nglinux Desktop]# cat echo "select age"; select i in '<18' '>18' do case $i in '<18') echo "No vote";; '>18') echo "Yes vote"; esac; done ### Lets execute this script. ### We can see the default prompt displayed is #? [root@nglinux Desktop]# ./ select age 1) <18 2) >18 #? 1 No vote #? 2 Yes vote #? ^C[root@nglinux Desktop]# ### Now lets define PS3 value and run the script. [root@nglinux Desktop]# export PS3="Select from the options above>" [root@nglinux Desktop]# ./ select age 1) <18 2) >18 Select from the options above>1 No vote Select from the options above>2 Yes vote Select from the options above>^C[root@nglinux Desktop]#
d. PS4 – Used to change shell script trace prompt which is displayed when using “set -x”.
### The default trace prompt is "+" ### Lets define to a new value and run the above script. [root@nglinux ~]# export PS4='****' [root@nglinux ~]# set -x; ./ ****./ -bash: ./ No such file or directory *****printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' root nglinux '~' [root@nglinux ~]# ./Desktop/ ****./Desktop/ select age 1) <18 2) >18 #? 1
e. PROMPT_COMMAND :- PROMPT_COMMAND is executed just before displaying the PS1 variable value.
### default prompt command value. [root@nglinux ~]# echo $PROMPT_COMMAND printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007" "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${PWD/#$HOME/~}" [root@nglinux ~]# ### Lets change its value [root@nglinux ~]# export PROMPT_COMMAND="$PROMPT_COMMAND; echo 'Welcome to NGELinux>' " Welcome to NGELinux> [root@nglinux ~]# Welcome to NGELinux> [root@nglinux ~]# Welcome to NGELinux>
2. Changing color of bash prompt
We can add colors to the shell prompt by using below export command syntax:
‘\e[X;Ym $PS1 \e[m’
\e[ : Start color scheme.
X;Y : Color pair value (X;Y)
$PS1 : Shell prompt variable which we want to color.
\e[m : Stop color scheme.
### Lets have a look at the command syntax and usage.